SetupDi Device Interface 函数
SetupDiCreateDeviceInterface | Registers device functionality (a device interface) for a device. |
SetupDiOpenDeviceInterface | Retrieves information about an existing device interface and adds it to the specified device information set. |
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceAlias | Returns an alias of the specified device interface. |
SetupDiGetClassDevs | Returns a device information set that contains all devices of a specified class. |
SetupDiGetClassDevsEx | Returns a device information set that contains all devices of a specified class on a local or remote computer. |
SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces | Returns a context structure for a device interface element of a device information set. Each call returns information about one device interface. The function can be called repeatedly to obtain information about several interfaces exposed by one or more devices. |
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail | Returns details about a particular device interface. |
SetupDiCreateDeviceInterfaceRegKey | Creates a registry subkey for storing information about a device interface instance and returns a handle to the key. |
SetupDiOpenDeviceInterfaceRegKey | Opens the registry subkey that is used by applications and drivers to store information that is specific to a device interface instance and returns a handle to the key. |
SetupDiDeleteDeviceInterfaceRegKey | Deletes the registry subkey that was used by applications and drivers to store information that is specific to a device interface instance. |
SetupDiInstallDeviceInterfaces | Is the default handler for the DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES request. It installs the interfaces that are listed in a DDInstall.Interfaces section of a device INF file. |
SetupDiRemoveDeviceInterface | Removes a registered device interface from the system. |
SetupDiDeleteDeviceInterfaceData | Deletes a device interface from a device information set. |
SetupDiSetDeviceInterfaceDefault | Sets a specified device interface as the default interface for a device class. |
SetupDiInstallClassEx | Installs a class installer or an interface class. |
SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyEx | Opens the device setup class registry key, the device interface class registry key, or a specific subkey of the class. This function opens the specified key on the local computer or on a remote computer. |