SetupDi 驱动安装处理函数
SetupDiCallClassInstaller | Calls the appropriate class installer, and any registered co-installers, with the specified installation request. |
SetupDiChangeState | The default handler for the DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE request. It can be used to change the state of an installed device. |
SetupDiRegisterCoDeviceInstallers | Registers the device-specific co-installers listed in the INF file for the specified device. This function is the default handler for DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS. |
SetupDiInstallDevice | The default handler for the DIF_INSTALLDEVICE request. |
SetupDiInstallDriverFiles | The default handler for the DIF_INSTALLDEVICEFILES request. |
SetupDiInstallDeviceInterfaces | The default handler for the DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES request. It installs the interfaces that are listed in a DDInstall.Interfaces section of a device INF file. |
SetupDiMoveDuplicateDevice | This function is obsolete and cannot be used in any version of Microsoft Windows. |
SetupDiRemoveDevice | The default handler for the DIF_REMOVEDEVICE request. |
SetupDiUnremoveDevice | The default handler for the DIF_UNREMOVE request. |
SetupDiRegisterDeviceInfo | The default handler for the DIF_REGISTERDEVICE request. |
SetupDiSelectDevice | The default handler for the DIF_SELECTDEVICE request. |
SetupDiSelectBestCompatDrv | The default handler for the DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV request. |