SetupDi 驱动信息函数
SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList | Builds a list of drivers associated with a specified device instance or with the device information set’s global class driver list. |
SetupDiEnumDriverInfo | Enumerates the members of a driver information list. |
SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail | Retrieves detailed information for a specified driver information element. |
SetupDiSetSelectedDriver | Sets the specified member of a driver list as the currently selected-driver. It can also be used to reset the driver list so that there is no currently-selected driver. |
SetupDiGetSelectedDriver | Retrieves the member of a driver list that was selected as the driver to install. |
SetupDiCancelDriverInfoSearch | Cancels a driver list search that is currently underway in a different thread. |
SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList | Destroys a driver information list. |