SetupDi Bitmap and Icon函数
SetupDiGetClassImageList | Builds an image list that contains bitmaps for every installed class and returns the list in a data structure. |
SetupDiGetClassImageListEx | Builds an image list of bitmaps for every class installed on a local or remote computer. |
SetupDiGetClassImageIndex | Retrieves the index within the class image list of a specified class. |
SetupDiGetClassBitmapIndex | Retrieves the index of the mini-icon supplied for the specified class. |
SetupDiDrawMiniIcon | Draws the specified mini-icon at the location requested. |
SetupDiLoadClassIcon | Loads both the large and mini-icon for the specified class. |
SetupDiLoadDeviceIcon | Loads a device icon for a specified device. (Windows燰ista and later versions of Windows) |
SetupDiDestroyClassImageList | Destroys a class image list. |